
Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010

Woke up in a great mood today. I had a wonderful Sunday that just continued into today. I went for a walk with the husband, well I walked and he ran, around Reid Park. My knee felt pretty good when I walked, but it will catch and have a sharp pain. I cannot wait to have full bend of my knee. It is an awkward feeling when you can hyper extend your knee and when you go to squat down it shoots a pain so striking that you just hit the floor. I just keep working on my mobility with the exercises that Justin, my former trainer from the U of A, showed me. I just need to live in the moment and not worry about what I cannot do, but what I can do now and what impact I can have. So to live in today's moment I enjoyed a wonderful CrossFit class. I adjusted the WOD (Workout of the Day) so I could finish it the best way I could. We has 7 rounds of cleans and hand stand push-ups for time. The cleans were a light weight so that I did not have to jerk my knee around, but was able to get the weight up. My collar bone is a little sore from resting the bar on it. ;0) The hand stand push ups I walked myself up the wall so I did not have to through my legs up... I actually took the pressure off my knee, but added more to my arms. On the last handstand push-up I literally hit the the ground and could not get up. So I had to stand up and re-set, which took so much more arm strength that I did not think I could get up. Well I did and I finished in 12 min. I was pretty proud of myself. My workouts are looking a little different and the hurt a little more, but they are getting done.

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